GUTHOR CHAM DANCE-2025 Opening ceremony for the new classroom building at Zongchoe Secondary School Summer retreat 2024 Half yearly exam 2024 Summer Retreat 2024 JOWO WATI SANGPO NAMTHAR OPENING CEREMONY his holiness kindly opened the volume of A Bouquet of White Lotus; The esteemed researcher and editor of Pekar Chunpo—an ancient manuscript collection of Jowo Wati Sangpo Jowo Wati Sangpo is a self-manifested sandalwood statue of Lord Avalokiteshvara JHOWO WATI SANGPO OLD PRECIOUS TEXT Guthor Cham Dance 2024 Red yamantaka ritual puja for 5 days

Zongchoe Library

Zongchoe Library was initiated by all the Sangha members with the advice from H.H.The Dalai Lama during his kind visit in year 2004. The main core of coming into existence, the Zongchoe Library is to enhance and impart the monks with study of modern education , reading practices, preservation of Buddhist philosophy and ideology, Tibet history and culture, practisation of Buddhist dharma etc. etc. The initial investment for setting up a full-fledged library was too high and we have the difficulties of the insufficient funds. On behalf of Zongchoe Library, we sincerely appeal and pray for your kind help. We are deeply thankful from the depth of our hearts your kind concern and any contribution thereon is welcome.

May the true essence of Buddha dharma reach all, far and wide, and benefit all the sentient beings.

With best wishes and sincere prayers.
Ven. Lobsang Tenzin (LIBRARY INCHARGE)